Neo DJ's presentation:

DJ Thierry (FRA) - Thierry is above all a creative dancer who “lives” the music. He practiced many social dances( (swing, blues, salsa, tango...) before starting to DJ Neo tango. Of course, he oves tango from the golden age, but what makes him vibrate is to open, enrich, and mix practices toward new musical and corporeal horizons which brings him to Neo. Nice melodies, emotion, and changes in rhythms and intensity are Thierry's music markers. Thierry is co-organizer of several festivals: Neo Tango Toulouse (TNT), Neo Tango Bruges (NTB), Neo Tango Amsterdam (NTA), Neo Tango Meissen (NTM), and now Neo Tango Hamburg but also the Toulouse Fusion weekend (Fusion dance festival). He DJ'd all over Europe ; Toulouse TNT, Bruges NTB, Amsterdam NTA, Tango des lumieres Lyon, Rome Red Rabbit, Greek neo Athens, Gent, Tangopostale, Berlin IBX, Lille, Praha NEO, Mannheim biathlon,Munich Neo, Hamburg NTH, Barcelona Tiny, Bristol , Vienna Dance blender, Porto...

DJane Anna (Russia) - Anna (Russia) has been in music since childhood, and her playing ranges from piano classics to rock music. She fell in love with tango music in 1998, and it took her more than a decade to start dancing instead of just listening. But it was worth it. She loves both the music of the Golden Era and the Neo tango music, and she hopes that someday they can coexist harmoniously. "Music flows in me and I flow with music. Every set I play is live and depends on the dance floor right here, right now. I love that kind of continuous flow of music, that takes dancers through time and a wide range of emotions. I am in love with the process - of searching and trying something new, changing and combining the music sounds into a stream at the console, feeling the dancers’ energy... The only frustrating thing is that there are things I really want to dance to, but I never have an opportunity. So I dance by myself while mixing.”

DJ Ralph (UK) - Born in Manchester UK - but living for the past 60 years in Bruges, Belgium. After +20 years of Tango Classico, having played for more than 250 practicas every first Sunday of the month it was time for a new challenge.
For the past 10 years, I’ve been using Neo - Nuevo - Non & Alternative music in a mix and when in 2020 Covid did strike, I had the chance to virtually meet so many inspiring Neo Tango DJs whilst playing music on air for a Neo community(Thanks Elio, Hubert and so many others). This was for me the moment to jump deeper into this music& dance style, I’m always trying to find music that gives me “a good belly” feeling, remains danceable and gives vibes on the dance floor.
Oh yeah, of the record - I love Belgian beer, especially Duvel en Brugse Zot…

DJane Malin (SWE) - Malin, from Sweden, is not a ”real DJ” according to her son (and herself!) but still, she has been DJ’ing at Neo Tango festivals and marathons around Europe since 2013. In her hometown, she organizes the regular alternative milonga ”Tango Fusion”. With Malin in the DJ booth, you can expect contrast and variation, music that evokes emotions and the urgent need to dance. Sexy, jazzy, happy, and sad tunes, and, of course, that precious moment of silence and stillness before the next song begins. You’ll leave the dance floor with love and happiness in your eyes!

DJ Eze (ARG) was born in Buenos Aires and began his ballet studies at the age of 11 years old at the Schol of the Teatro Colón where he also learned tango and folklore. For more than 30 years he made an international career as a dancer, choreographer, and teacher in classical ballet, contemporary dance, and tango in Europe, Argenitina and touring world wide. He created his own style of contemporary tango . In 2013 he started working as a traditional tango DJ and shortly after he added the neotango to his repertoire. Since then he has played at some of the most of the prestigious international neo and tango festivals and events in Europe and Argentina as ElectroTango Festival Buenos Aires, TNT Toulouse, Tango des Lumieres Lyon, Tango Marathon Nantes, Phantastango, World Tango Congress, TangoRave, Tango Vibes Berlin, Siena Tango Marathon, Contango Festival Freiburg and many more. He is a founding member and DJ of La Neo, which is the first 100% neolonga in the Netherlands, as well as co-organizer, teacher and DJ of the Amsterdam Neotango Marathon and The Neotango Weekend. DJ Eze loves variety, surprising and to create different kind of atmospheres during his sets. He is always very sensitive for what is happening on the dance floor and is happy when people are having a good time. Listen to his music in Mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/ezequiel-sanucci/

DJ Johannes (Lux)
Based in Luxembourg Johannes grew up in Paris and Berlin and has lived in Luxembourg since 2005. For him, anything that has a heartbeat and can touch the soul is danceable. The genre - whether from the 17th century or recently created - doesn't matter as long as the music breathes, lives and expresses human existence in its emotional richness of contrasts. His first contact with tango music was at a chamber music festival in Austria in 1996, followed by his enthusiasm for the actual dance in 2011. He has been a tango DJ since 2015, either strictly traditional or free of norms and experimental. Or in between.
Neo VJ's presentation :

Philippe (FRA) - Philippe Gauthier is fascinated by movement and the harmony emerging from the dance floor, he seeks to magnify it. As a VJ his performance is purely live where the dancers and music both are intertwined to give life to interactive visuals. Mountains, oceans, starfields and many poetic landscapes surround the dancefloor to join dancers in a blithful and unique journey.

Ederson Xavier - As an artist Xavier is on the journey to explore new ways to innovate and add extra depth to his work as contemporary dance choreographer, videographer, performer and teacher.
Xavier’s work is underpinned by a musical fascination and chameleon-like perspective.
He is inspired by the sensorial body and the intersection of dance with other disciplines and technology, therefore exploring new insights into choreographic construction. VJing is one extra facet of expression of this multidimensional artists. Ederson VJ'd in la Neo from eze and saskia